Whitsun + Beltane

The moment of spiritual cognition of Christ’s deed for humanity; the disciples enlightenment on Pentecost (image: artist unknown)

Whitsun Fest (49+Easter) - The Festival Mysteries - Beltane

Let us understand the Mystery of Golgotha and fully receive the Holy Spirit and the Christ impulse deep into the soul.  Whether we are Christians or not there is a truth revealed and celebrated at Whitsun / Pentecost / Beltane.

In our awakened soul we can perceive the Mystery of Golgotha - the great act of Christ that eternally linked our etheric bodies (God) to our physical human bodies, in union with the Earth’s evolution.  Christ’s birth/death/resurrection was a cosmic deed for all of humanity.

Whitsun festival is celebrated 49 days after Easter - called Pentecost on the Christian Calendar and Beltane on the Celtic Wheel of the Year. It was when the Disciples came together and attained clairvoyant understanding of the Christ mysteries and committed to serving the Way (Christ’s teachings).  It is on this holy day that through the juxtaposition with death (Samhain, in the ancient Celtic wheel) that we can fully understand the potential of blossoming life here in The Garden. And, the role humanity plays in creating the Way of sacred union of Heaven and Earth can be understood through our spiritual cognition of Christ.

On this day the Holy Spirit Draws near. Whitsun Fest is the celebration of the Festival of Flowers (Beltane) - where the heart of the human opens like a flower to the sun, and when the disciples came to fully understand the Christ mysteries.

Ignorance is washed away in the waters of forgiveness and we can become one with the Christ impulse - belonging to the whole - universal human nature - world wide humanity -as we open our perception through the fire of the soul.

Stop the dehumanization, blame and separation… for that is not the Way.  Let us once again fill the course of our years with spiritual understanding for the festival seasons… and it will be imbued with Cosmic Significance. 

Within our Earthly existence, we as humans will learn to accompany and experience Cosmic Existence (heightened on these holy day portals). 

I Sarah Isabel-(SIIMMMM) High priestess of Avalon, of the initiatory consciousness itself, and of the festival mysteries - invite you to come in all whites ready to receive the elements, and your purest divinity, the Holy Spirit into your being. All of you, your pasts lives, your dreams of the future are welcome into this circle. 

We shall imbue with the spirit of all humanity, let the waters of baptism unite us beyond that which separates, let the Tongues of fire speak to us in our own third eye of perception in direct communion with God- inspiring and empowering each of us, Christed Feminine beings, to walk forth with clarity on how to speak with the Christ Impulse and share the message of the mystic Way, from our own sacred hearts.

On this day…”You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free” (Yeshua of Nazareth).

This is not about a particular religion nor particular lineage - this day we call in the purity of the Holy Spirit and pray that the tongues of fire of the Holy Spirit reach our 3rd eyes, rising up through our purified vessels -  for a clear vision for all of humanity. 

Is Mary herself not standing on a snake? She who brought the Christ here to Earth…. In this etheric and earth body union, from this day forward, we walk forth into the new Era, fully awakened into the higher vibratory field; the Kali Yug is done. Let us remember God in each breathe, word, and act. Consecrate the Christ within through the waters of the Holy Mother Mary. May the stone the builder refused in the last era, once again be honored as the head cornerstone.

The Way of Christ, the pathway of eternal life, is unchanged by our forgetting and ignorance. Yeshua’s life shall always remain a cosmic deed for ALL Humanity and the Earth. ReCognize that you are limitless and free when and as you receive the Holy Spirit: as you receive, so shall you give - and so we walk forward with clarity in our paths of service. To oppose the Holy Spirit is to fight yourself… surrendor to your heart’s path; stand for Truth and everything is yours.

OM - Amen - AUM

to the One Great Life behind all names and forms.  

“Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you”. 


Please join me this Whitsun Fest in surrendering to the mystery, reclaiming God within, and honoring our blossoming consciousness as it opens to the Christ Light of the Sun. Pentecost - Whit Sunday - May 19, 2024.

Wear all whites and bring any offerings from your gardens and hearths.

Time: 11a- 3pm (There will be 3 parts to the day)

First Circle - Teaching and Sharing

Second Circle - Waters of Purification (Baptism) / Come Holy Spirit

Closing Circle - Offering of flowers and fruit

RSVP: sarahisabelmoe@gmail.com jor 415-570-3712

Location Granite Bay - Please RSVP.

Acts 2:1–12

1 When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. 2 And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3 And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of their foreheads. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.

The Whitsun Mystery (Rudolf Steiner)

“Through the Mystery of Golgotha, Christ brought to pass within earth-evolution a cosmic event. Christ came down from the heights of Spirit, linked himself with humanity in the man Jesus of Nazareth, fulfilled the Mystery of Golgotha, united His evolution with that of the Earth. It was a cosmic deed accomplished for the whole of humanity”. …

“The Christ deed on Golgotha is an objective fact, whose cosmic significance does not depend on what we believe about it. The Mystery of Golgotha rescues mankind from the decay of the physical body; it was enacted for the sake of all, including those who do not believe in it.” … Christ fulfilled his deed for all mankind but to each human individual who understands this deed, Christ sends the eternal truth of life. Through Spirit, we can learn to experience the Christ mystery inwardly, in our own spirit and soul.

Upon the ascension of Christ - “The disciples withdraw in deep contemplation, for in their awakened souls is the knowledge that through this Mystery (Golgotha) the physical-etheric nature of mankind as a whole has been preserved. But what happens to the soul and spirit, they wonder? The answer is found in the Whitsun festival. The SOUL must acquire the power of spiritual cognition, spiritual perception, spiritual feeling in order to be able to understand how, on Golgotha, the Christ Impulse was united with the Impulses of the Earth.”

Whitsun Festival is celebrated 10 days after the event of His Ascension, and 49 days after Easter (death/resurrection). It is when Christ gave man the possibility of imbuing his inner soul-spiritual nature with the Christ Impulse. The permeation of the human spirit and soul with the power to understand the Mystery of Golgotha. The sending of the Holy Spirit, is the picture of the Whitsun Festival (Pentecost). We can partake of the fruits of the mystery by striving for the understanding of its essence and meaning. The mysteries of the festivals are like living beings - always more to discover in them.


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