Initiation Ceremonies/ Rites of Passage
from in the belly through the return to the earth
Our ceremonies
Blessing Way
Ceremonial baby shower focused on blessing and anointing the mother with wisdom and blessings.
Working with the element of water, the holy mother, to bless and purify us, for babies or at any phase of initiation.
7-9 year olds First Maiden Rite
First threshold that child takes toward independence. Also done for boys.
14-16 year olds 2nd Maiden Rite (Menarche)
Completion of Maiden years, stepping into responsible young adult role. The Lover & Warrior archetype. Quinceanera. Sweet 16.
Graduation/Coming of Age
Individuation, Adulthood, Completion of School and New Mature Adult Phase Begins.
Custom designed ceremony drawing on ancient practices from around the globe for the holy matrimony of your dreams.
The Grandmother Crone Crowning
Honoring she who is becoming a grandmother, wise elder or reaching that golden phase of life.
Funerals and The Death Rite of Passage
Custom designed ceremony for your loved one, human or pet.
Priestess Initiation
Step fully into the archetype of Priestess.
A Ceremonial healing circle is a beautiful way to initiate into a new decade or phase of life.