Initiations are an essential part of life if you are to become the living myth your soul embodied to be. The sword is tempered and earned through challenge. Inner eyes open only in the darkness of the night. But we must go bravely forth into the unknown. A collective awakening is needed now and life depends on us reclaiming our origin stories, and reconnecting to the divine and natural forces that give us life. Here’s a poem written in honor of my initiatory path of the high priestess of Avalon. I was an initiate from 2016-2022 and now find myself at the center-less center, where the endings and beginnings become one.
~*~. See imagery from my trip and hear this poem spoken on my video here: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRJXY1He/?k=1 or read it below and imagine the beauty of Avalon all around you.
Under the Beltane sky’s full lunar eclipse, I was initiated as a high priestess, upon the Tor, blessed be the great initiator and the holy springs of Avalon.
In the deep darkness of night, on thunder and lighting She came, the great goddess gave me my highest truth’s name.
Oh to be alive in dark places
And to find the shimming path of your soul.
The love that calls you up and out
Into the world Whole.
The woman becomes goddess as she prepares her heart-womb to re-birth
The babe crystallizes from love, earths elements and the ancestors dreams
The warrior strength is found in the process and trusting of the Great Mystery.
Birth is the ultimate fight from which one cannot flee
Only surrender
to the the power of the dark goddess to make it through.
The Eye of the needle, the gates of life
Pure divine truth rides like a river through you
From the wells of wisdom above and below
the new human is born
God-Goddess -shaper of life into form
Awake to the power of the night,
to grace and the powerful Myth which emerged from her Soul’s truest Light.