Remember the times when love reigned supreme…
the lover archetype who followed her desires as they swirled around the world
maybe she was running away from her suffering or the places that held those patterns
And, maybe she was just brave enough to let go of what was known and follow her soul
OH, the dance between the enticing unknown other, on the dance floor
The sweet and easy times of desiring and riding the wave until it ceased to give more
But what if LOVE includes suffering?
Then, she Becomes.
She and the things she runs from become one.
The lover learns to stand-up for her deepest values, becoming WARRIOR and gains insight from within the fight.
Her deeper longings begin to take root, and the global mariposa lands and makes a cocoon.
Something bigger is now possible with roots connected to soil, and her deepest values keeping her centered and whole.
A seed can be planted and grown, if the moon and season are just so.
Now she is ready again… Becoming. Mother. unconditional vessel of LOVE. Sovereign queen creating worlds with her king.