ancestral healing

What is inherent within us and what is given through cultural transmission, family ties, and those who have shaped our lives? There are so many intense human and global changes occurring at this time across the Earth. We are perceiving it all based on our lived past experiences, histories, traditions and myths, and the vast amounts of information flowing through the noosphere (the atmosphere of thoughts/ the collective mind) today.

Are we nourished or negated by the legacy of our ancestors beliefs systems and upbringing? Are you in choice about this? How do you sort through all of these voices running through your mind, pulsing through your DNA? When triggered, who steps in? Is it your Victim, Judge, Controller, Hero, Perfectionist…. or your Sage? Any given moment there are infinite possibilities of who we can BE and how we respond to Life. A mindfulness or presencing of spirit practice (of some kind) is needed if we are to live in choice and truly awaken to the gift of what we have been given in this life.

As we remember why the ancestors have sent us, we can see it is not to relive the traumas, nor to repeat the thousands of years of patriarchal stories, no. Here, in this body, in this present moment mind, we can find our crucible through the past, and choose this life to be our place for alchemy and unlock the depths of our creative power and joy. It is time to birth ourselves anew and walk in service to our True Gifts, True Selves, Higher Purpose and make a lasting impact on this culture, so desperately in need of a renaissance. Though, rebirth begins in the dark.

The awakening into awareness and responsibility can be painful as we start to perceive all the many ways we are our own worst enemy, and the way that the world can be so cruel to the vast majority of beings here without remorse. As we align our psyche with the seasons, in fall and early winter, or Samhain (“sau-wen”) on the Celtic Wheel of the Year, we notice the dead leaves revealing their true colors, bright reds, yellows and oranges, before they die off. We go through the eye of the needle known as eclipse season, a solar and lunar eclipse, as we move into the archetype of Scorpio, the death rattler. All of this triggers old patterns living in the subconscious to surface, to show their bright colors. We tend to want to look away, but this is an opportunity to welcome them home, compost the pattern and make space to create something new. In spring, the energies of rebirth and renewal come in strong but only can root and grow in fertile soil. The practices of late fall and winter, the offerings we give in the death of the year are what make the new life possible.

Then, there is a fierce lover-warrior energy that is available to us in summer, enabling us to stand up for the survival of all beings, for the realization of our gifts, and the victory of the sage over the saboteurs. As you sift through the the intense experiences presented before us in these times of great transition on Earth, may the light of the Sun and the great Creator God/Goddess shine upon your courage. And in the dark of the moon and during the winter months, may we create space to alchemize shadows to light, to align with our hearts essence and purest fire.

Let us carve a new path into the unknown, step away from mainstream mediocrity, and over-cosnumption, weave the wisdom from your ancestral paths in a way that clears your path of becoming a Wise Ancestor, a Sage. Do not pathologize the crisis of today as your individual burden to bare, do not blame others either, find the eternal river of Life flowing through you and continue to choose radical compassion in each now moment.

Let it be clear though, that this time, to succeed we must work together. Seek refuge in community… we are the birthers of the future, living life as an integral part of the interconnected web… “You Are therefore I Am”. The more we regard ourselves and each other with a lens of connection and compassion, the more power-with we create, and, the impact on the culture is undeniable. Lovers of Life stand united as warriors in this fight for a thriving life for all.

If you would like to join a community of practice, come over to, the founding grove is opening, and the soils are fertile, and we will do this work together.

Take this moment to feel, allow any insights to bubble up from within your own heart. You are a Sage. Your voice, your gift is needed to create change now, to create the inheretence for your lineages. Rub your palms together and feel that energy between them. The power to heal, to create, to stand up for your truth is here now. What will you do with it today? This season? This lifetime? See it in your minds eye.

So mote it BE.


November 11, 2023.



love & Loss
