I watch the sun rise to my left and the wind moves across the land, the trees, birds and the grass respond, whispering "there is a miracle unfurling". The sun activates the warmth and love in my cells for this new day/ new year/ new era-and I trust life. To my right, my father's ashes sit between and around two oak trees. To him in his sacred final resting spot, I give thanks for giving me life, and for offering his life, perhaps to this greater unfurling. I plant wild flowers upon him along with my full moon prayers, watering them with my tears of gratitude and grief.

What is this miracle unfurling? I wonder. Several thousands of years have past since the matriarchal, women-centered civilizations were prevalent on Earth (lasting up until the Bronze Age). According to archeaologist Marija Gimbutas, the women-centered/ Goddess Civilizations were known to be peaceful, including economic equality. These ancient times originated many statues and paintings of the round bellied, full breasted goddess statues, which I love. I love these statues, I think, because I was lucky enough to grow up surrounded by such goddesses: my great-grandmothers, great-aunts, grandmothers, were present in my life until recently. My final living grandparent, my maternal grandmother Doris, died when I was 40 years old (2018). So, my mother and I are the only ones left standing from that circle. My mother and I are now at the top, matriarchs, grieving and grateful, poised regally, as great lionesses to create miracles beyond our wildest dreams. Women like us are taking a stand and will see to it that the goddess civilization gets another chance, so that all life gets another chance to thrive here on Earth.

Today, under the sun in Aries and the great pink full moon in Libra we celebrate my birthday, quietly and beautifully in quarantine, with pastel streamers and balloons, eggs and bunnies, the most gorgeous carrot cake, and my dream team who nourishes me with love and laughter and great feasts every single day.  We are reading Harry Potter books with the children and Harry's just invited everyone to his deathday party. So, this is my birth/deathday party, in a COVID19 quarantine, surrounded by the hope of birth and the grief of so much death.

As a Spring Equinox babe, I have always sat at this point where the barren death of winter gives way to the sprouting birth of spring, and where the resurrection stories of Yeshua are all pervasive. Yet, I have never been sat so squarely into the death-birth mysteries as I sit right now.  My soul sister painted my soul just before 2020 and its' symbol was the infinity, Ouroboros, with a blue egg linked to a red rose through the center point. There was a great prophecy that came forth through the soul paint process which included a beautiful spotted bird flying into the window, crashing, and then laying a blue egg! I sit right here in the mystery where the snake eats the tail, where the death meets the birth, where eternity and 3-D reality meet. And here I pause.  The babe (the new me, the new goddess era, the new Earth) is crowning but as I learned with my daughter’s long labor, birthing cannot be rushed.  

Today I connect to my great grove of grandmother trees through the native feminine wisdom of the 13 Original Clan Mothers, related to the 13 moons of the year.  April is the 4th moon cycle and she is known as Looks Far Woman.  She carries the medicine of prophecy, seeing the truth in all colors and all dimensions.  I sit here grateful for the shimmering colors of spring on Earth that reflect the solar kings light as he peaks through the clouds.  Looks Far Woman is showing me truth in my dreams, symbols and visions, burning through the eternal flame of my open heart. And she warns of the pitfalls of “looking too far too soon."

Enjoy the moment.  

For now my friends, I leave the story of the miraculous unfurling of personal and planetary prophecy to go and do just that. May the sacred fires of creation bless you all as we move through this death-birth canal together. Your genius is needed now more than ever. I am thankful for every moment spent looking into your limitless eyes, twinkling with the great spark of the miracle that is eternally unfurling.  


