This Mother’s Day 2020 I realized that I’m no longer a mother of toddlers in the chaos that comes with 100% focus on the children day and night. I now embrace a new chaortic (blend chaos and order) that works for us to all have freedom and structure, we can evolve and deepen as individuals and as a “team”. Over the past 5 years we have been celebrating spring as a family, BIG time. I’ve found that making a big deal about the 4 back-to-back holidays is an easy and yet subversive way to honor the goddess, the Great Mother, the feminine, in contrast to a normative patriarchal culture that diminishes us.
Earth Day (4/22)
May Day ( 5/1)
Beltane (calendar Beltane 5/1)
Mother’s Day (2nd Sunday in May)
Children are totally down to make art with and about nature, to love on their mother and on their neighbors (by doorbell flower drops). In this way we create a sustainable culture which honors life and the ones who give us life. Beltane is a cross-quarter holiday we celebrate as the initiation of summer and the height of spring, it’s life in all its blossoming fertility and fecundity. We dance with flower crowns on and share the gifts of the goddess with everyone we circle with around the fire.
Isn’t it interesting that Earth Day, Beltane and Mother’s Day are so closely linked together both in theme and as the calendar dates go?
Mother’s Day is a perfect time to celebrate HER by making flower crowns. My dear husband gets me and my love for Earth wisdom so he organized crown making for the mamas after brunch this year. Like Earth Day, the kids can do a little block parade with signs for their mothers too, and enjoy amazing food from the Earth. It’s been a journey to get to this moment in motherhood where I truly believe I deserve this honoring. They pour the love on for no other reason than for the love. It’s beautiful if we can pause and receive it. I see a World where women are honored and where SHE leads the culture. With the goddess at the center all life is honored, protected and respected. that is the world I wish to create.
To my mother and grandmothers all the way back to beginning of time, I celebrate for you and I fight for this vision. This family. This Earth, so that the grandchildren will know when the seasons turn, and look to the Earth and sun and say thank you, so that they will remember all those who have come before them.
Together, we are unlimited. To all the mothers 🌸 i feel you ❤️ it ain’t easy but it is worth it!